Understanding the COVID-19 crisis (Actualizado con videos)


Webinar: Understanding the COVID-19 crisis. Critical reflections on the contributions of the Sociology of Law

Actualizado con videos. 23 Julio 2020

Webinar: Understanding the COVID-19 crisis. Critical reflections on
the contributions of the Sociology of Law

18th and 19th June, 2020

Welcome Addresses, Jaime Ríos, President of ALAS
Opening Conference: Global coronavirus crisis and the role of
Sociology of Law scholars, Ulrike Schultz, President of RCSL, RC 12
Moderator: César Bazán Seminario, ABI, ALAS

Session I: Access to justice
Vladimir Aguilar Castro, University of the Andes of Venezuela
Sara Araujo, CES-Coimbra
Moderators: Aaron Verona Badajoz, Pontificia Universidad Católica de
Peru, and Luciano González Groneman, University of Freiburg

Session II: Domestic violence, violence against women and gender violence
Kerry Carrington, Queensland University of Technology

Leigh Goodmark, U. of Maryland, Baltimore

Lars Alberth, Leuphana University of Lüneburg
Moderator: Wilson Hernández Breña, GRADE, and Sheila Fernández Míguez, ABI

Session III: Legal enforcement and punishment:
Olga Espinoza, Universidad of Chile

Frieder Dünkel, University of Greifswald

Moderators: Paz Irarrázabal, University O’Higgins, and Karina Uribe,
University of Valparaiso

Closing Conference: Thinking through multiple crises: sociological
contributions to understanding a global pandemic, Alke Jenss, ABI

Moderator: Aníbal Galvez, ALAS



Jueves, 18 de junio de 14:00 a 17:00 y viernes, 19 de junio de 14:00 a 17:30 (hora de Alemania)

En esta conferencia contaremos con la participación de especialistas de diferentes partes del mundo para pensar el rol de sociología del derecho para comprender y responder las preguntas que nos formula la crisis mundial del corona virus.

Sobre el Autor